In English :
Over the last few days, from being mega mega hot, it's suddenly gone quite chilly, so I had to pick an outfit that was appropriate for the weather but that still said summer as it isn't quite over yet. As you can see, I have added a pop of colour by adding the yellow top & light blue clutch. I felt really casual & fun in this outfit as you can kind of play around with a big baggy denim shirt, have it on & also just around the waist, which looks so cool. Also, as you have probably noticed, I try to focus on little details like a ring, my nails or I just wear a pretty bra underneath to just add a nice touch that shows by slightly poking out of my top ! :) x
In Serbian :
Zadnjih par dana se vreme naglo promenilo od veoma toplog vremena postalo je poprilično hladno, tako da sam morala da izaberem outfit koji priliči vremenu ali opet da ima tu nečega što vuče na leto. Žuta majica i svetlo plava clutch torba ovde daju taj pop boje. Osećala sam se tako kežual i opušteno u ovoj kombinaciji jer mi je ova veća košulja bila jako zanimljiva što se tiče način nošenja jer može normalno da se nosi i oko struka što izgleda jako kul. I da, kao što ste verovatno već primetili dosta volim da se fokusiram na sitne detalje kao što su prsten, nokte ili naprimer u ovom slučaju brus koji ima divnu čipku koja viri iz majčice i daje taj ženstveni look ! :) x
Denim Men's Shirt - H&M
Top - Calliope
Jeans - Calliope
Plimsoles - Primark
Sunglasses - Calliope
Clutch - Calliope
Earrings - Jewellery Shop
Ring - Jewellery Shop